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New House, New Job, New Baby, New Year… Time to Get ORGANIZED!

15 Jan

My husband and I moved into our new house in May… and then our daughter was born in July. [Yes, we cut it kind of close… I don’t recommend house hunting while you’re pregnant btw]. I went back to work in October, made it through the holidays while going to school at night, and now it’s a new year.. a new start! I’m finally starting to feel like we’re not going through life in complete chaos… I’m one of those people who loves being organized, but loathes the process of organizing. I’m learning to accomplish small tasks each day, though. Thank you FLY LADY… I just love her! 

Fly Lady
“Your home did not get dirty in one day, and it will not get clean in a day either.” – FL – Check her out:
Each week, you are assigned a “zone”.. this is the area you declutter, clean, and organize for 15 minutes each day. Not so bad… This week is bathroom and one other room. Set your timers!


  1. Keep your sink clean and shiny.
  2. Get dressed every morning, even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t forget your lace-up shoes.
  3. Do your morning and before-bedtime routine everyday.
  4. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer or television (my add-on).
  5. Pick up after yourself. If you get it out, put it away.
  6. Don’t try to do two projects at once. ONE JOB AT A TIME.
  7. Don’t pull out more than you can put back in one hour.
  8. Do something for yourself everyday, maybe every morning and night.
  9. Work as fast as you can to get the job done. This will give you more time to play later.
  10. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It is contagious. Make your mind up to be happy, and you will be.
  11. Don’t forget to laugh everyday. Pamper yourself; you deserve it!